I first heard The Eastern Sea (Matthew Hines) about a year ago in Houston, TX. I thought by now his music would be a little more produced and slightly less acoustically driven. It still sounds lo-fi, which isn't bad thing but is definitely a road block on the path to greater success. Regardless, The Eastern Sea uses the acoustic guitar and MacBook combo very well, sometimes to great effect by highlighting a well structured chord progression and adding a noticeably "earthy" feel. Occasionally a track on Further Up, Further In Pt. 1 really sticks out, is elevated above good, and works perfectly as an independent melody with earnest lyrics.
Why They Don't Suck: I'd say Hines work could be described best as two parts lo-fi indie and one part digital mix up. Even though most of their songs are good I think it's best to appreciate The Eastern Sea's work not only for what it is but also for what it has the capability to be if the production side of their music was given room to improve.
[audio:Robert-The Eastern Sea.mp3]
Robert, You're Pretty Amazing at Lazertag.mp3 (right click to Save As)
[audio:Natasha-The Eastern Sea.mp3]
Natasha.mp3 (right click to Save As)
[audio:Counting Sheep-The Eastern Sea.mp3]
Counting Sheep.mp3 (right click to Save As)
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