When I hear about an all girl band the first thing I usually think is "that's cute." I guess years of hearing pop divas releasing overproduced top 40 trash has conditioned me to dismiss the words girl and music when mentioned together, but Taffy has completely turned my biased notions upside down. Here are three girls who not only look and sound beautiful, they actually rock out. This band has laid gritty lyrics down against an exceptionally well balanced musical composition. It's refreshing to hear a female lead who doesn't sound like she's trying to break a glass window pane or could be mistaken for a man's; Sofia simply sounds comfortable with her voice and isn't trying to take her vocals places it shouldn't go.
Why They Don't Suck: Before I heard them I wanted to tear them to pieces for attempting to be an all girl band, but now that I've heard them I might be in love. Three girls who are excellent musicians, write relevant songs, and who work together even better as a team. The simple fact that a guy like myself who dislikes even the idea of girl bands enjoys listening to them should be proof enough that they don't suck.
Taffy.mp3 (right click to Save As)
[audio:A Break or A Joke To Yourself-Taffy.mp3]
A Break or A Joke To Yourself.mp3 (right click to Save As)
[audio:Sorry Kid-Taffy.mp3]
Sorry Kid.mp3 (right click to Save As)
I dig.