Sounds Like: anthems for your everyday life.
Originally known as Lolita Brass, this three-piece set from New York have been around the block at least once. There's nothing exceptionally earth shattering about The Party Faithful upon first listen, but after replay number two or three it becomes easier to pick up on the amount of epic-goodness the band has managed to cram into each track. Make no mistake, Seven Cycles is clearly a rock album, but it's the most easy listening rock I've heard in some time. Nothing feels out of place and there are moment when the band gets into a ecstatic rhythm unmatched by most of their contemporaries. If you can dig a well constructed chorus and some promising ingenuity you'll be able to enjoy The Party Faithful.
[audio:All I Ever Wanted To Know-Party Faithful.mp3]
All I Ever Wanted To Know.mp3
Why They Don't Suck: In my mind rock as a genre has essentially come to mean "repetitive chord progressions combined with unoriginal song composition and uninspiring lyrics... but very loud." It was invigorating to stumble upon this album and hear something grounded in rock fundamentals that still manages to mix in some creativity.
That IS progress. Your blogging skills are getting better and better. I had a great time reading this post.